
Joerg Jaspert, le ven. 12 avril 2019 22:48:42 +0200, a ecrit:
> back in August 2018 we discussed architecture inclusion into
> unstable/experimental.
> Today we had our regular FTPMaster meeting and discussed hurd and both
> kfreebsd architecture and decided to remove them from unstable and
> experimental 2 weeks from now.

Just before the Buster release? That's far from the easiest timing.

I was hoping to do a non-official relase of Debian Hurd along Buster as
usual, but a change of archive, which means uploading packages, fixing
scripts, etc. will take a lot of time, which I simply just will not have
within the coming two-three months (I am already struggling to find time
to do what I engaged to). Basically, it means no non-official release of
Debian Hurd along Buster. Or at best I could just make that non-official
release now, with all the still pending RC bugs.

How is the move to debian-ports supposed to happen? I won't have the
time to do anything about it within the 2 weeks.


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