On 15371 March 1977, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> It seems to exist there, so probably someone who can upload there and
> is interested in hurd-i386 goes and uploads stuff.
Within a two-week timeframe only?
(while everybody is supposed to be busy fixing RC bugs)

I just jumped over old threads - its not actually a new thing what we
discuss now. Its always the same. This next release. Just this one thing
over there, then.

Now, hurd does have double usage (ftp-master and ports) for *years*. And
it never ever moved despite knowing that we want it off.

I don't believe that anything changes just because we wait again.

Also, note, that it is a team decision, not me alone, I am just the
messenger. If you want us to change it, mail the team with the reasons,
and we at least discuss it again. No guarantees on outcome.

bye, Joerg

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