Carsten Schoenert, le sam. 13 avril 2019 12:41:25 +0200, a ecrit:
> Am 13.04.19 um 12:06 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
> >> Both architectures haven't seen any major development in the past years
> > 
> > They have.
> O.k. need to be more specific, so the same as you mentioned further
> down, ..."in the context of Debian, the packages of Debian and it releases".

In the context of Debian as a distribution itself, there is not much
more to be done actually: the distro can be installed with the normal
debian installer, we don't depend on unreleased patches to have a
working system. We even have gotten llvm working recently.

In a broader Debian meaning, for instance with Helmut we have achieved
cross-bootstrappability of hurd-i386 from amd64, which is really a great
thing, because we know that we can now reboostrap the whole distribution
thanks to this if needed.

> > Patching software should be handled upstream indeed.
> Yes, but most upstreams are a bit reserved

You mean, more than the Debian maintainers?

Well, at some point, "so be it, you won't have the works-on-Hurd badge".

For base packages like librsvg, the question is of a bigger importance,
for the port of course, but also for computer science in general: if
base packages can't easily be ported to new operating systems, the whole
computer science will be just stuck with Linux, and I don't think it's a
good thing.

That reminds me a recent paper about the requirement for fork() in the
Unix interface (, which notably says
that because of the complexity for implementing it, it's hard to create
new operating systems with new ideas while providing a POSIX interface
for being useful in general.

> >> So I disagree on "One person is enough"
> > 
> > I meant only for the Debian-specific things, I am the only DD who
> > currently uses its key for signing packages, making CD images, etc.
> > That's what I meant by "the daily ports things".
> Well, I guess it's not that easy I fear as there are no parts that can
> be seen as separate standalone things, it's all connected in various ways.

Yes, these are very intertwinned, but I like working on it and the
current Debian infrastructure makes it easy enough to do.

> But realistically it's not enough in my eyes to keep Hurd on even
> tracking the normal evolving of Debian.

I have since long stopped hoping that the Hurd port would ever be an
arch released in Debian (see previous threads in the past years about
moving to debian-ports). Just for the security guarantees it would
require, that can't work.

But as a debian-ports, I believe it can continue working just like it
has in the past years.


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