
It would be useful if there were information somewhere on the following for 
Debian Jessie LTS architectures:

  1.  What should we be using as our source.list file?
  2.  Which of the jessie repositories that existed until mid-March have now 
gone? (from a release that is supposed to still have some support for another 
  3.  What happens / happened to packages where the latest version was in those 
repositories? (in particular packages that were from the "deb 
http://deb.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main" line or equivalent on other 

It does seem a little unfair to EOL and delete repositories from a release that 
is supposed to be LTS with virtually no notice it was happening.

And just saying "we're removing this stuff", without giving any guidance on 
what LTS users should / need to do is rather unhelpful.

OK, I am a little late to pick up on this, but I'm sure there are other people 
still running some Jessie systems who only run update commands on them every 
month or so.



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