[Redirecting to debian-lts list, for real]

On Tue, 2019-04-23 at 08:54 +0000, Michael Firth wrote:
> Hi,
> It would be useful if there were information somewhere on the
> following for Debian Jessie LTS architectures:
>   1.  What should we be using as our source.list file?

The same as before, minus jessie-backports if you used that.

>   2.  Which of the jessie repositories that existed until mid-March
> have now gone? (from a release that is supposed to still have some
> support for another year)

None of them.  jessie-updates was mistakenly removed and has now been
restored as an empty suite.

>   3.  What happens / happened to packages where the latest version
> was in those repositories? (in particular packages that were from the
> "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main" line or
> equivalent on other mirrors)

There weren't any newer versions in jessie-updates.

> It does seem a little unfair to EOL and delete repositories from a
> release that is supposed to be LTS with virtually no notice it was
> happening.
> And just saying "we're removing this stuff", without giving any
> guidance on what LTS users should / need to do is rather unhelpful.

I think the intent was that you would not need to do anything, so that
no guidance was needed.  Obviously that didn't quite work out as the
removal of jessie-updates resulted in error messages.  In future, the
-updates suite will not be removed until end of LTS.

As for jessie-backports, the removal was announced in July 2018.


> OK, I am a little late to pick up on this, but I'm sure there are
> other people still running some Jessie systems who only run update
> commands on them every month or so.
Ben Hutchings
Horngren's Observation:
              Among economists, the real world is often a special case.

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