Le dim. 26 mai 2019 à 23:01, Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> a écrit :

> >>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk <b...@debian.org> writes:
>     Adrian> It is a problem for people making their first contributions
>     Adrian> to Debian to get them into unstable. The problem here is
>     Adrian> lack of sponsors willing to do proper reviews and then
>     Adrian> uploads. Usually the package in question is already using
>     Adrian> dh.
> My experience is consistent with the above.
> I can't send links because most of my conversations with people getting
> started contributing to Debian  have been that: actual conversations
> with lungs compressing air to blow out mouths.
> Unfortunately, I've found that it's often a combination of factors.
> The one first cited is  the difficulty finding a sponsor.

There's a gap between getting some unknown software into debian,
and getting well-known software into debian.
Some well-determined upstream develop can manage to get software
into debian, and even get it into stable, and then just quit maintaining it
On the other hand, when a fellow DD uploads a software it usually means
that piece is worth it. So i'm not that keen on making it easier to get any
of software into debian.

> But in at least some cases it's more complex than that.
> for example in one case someone was talking about finding a sponsor.  I
> said that I didn't normally sponsor packages I couldn't adequately test,
> so that limited what I'd sponsor, but if the contributor could find
> something within that set I'd sponsor it.
> He came up with something.
> Then he said but really the hard part there was not the sponsorship, but
> the dependency problem
> Apparently upstream had forked some library already in Debian and you
> had to use the fork for the package to work.

It might also mean the upstream software is still maturing and not ready for
prime time.

I think it's a combination of a lot of things.  We have high standards,
> a lot of complexity, and you have to get most or all of that right to
> contribute.  You have to have a package that meets our standards.  You
> have to have a copyright file that meets our standards.

When it's hard to make upstream conform to DFSG it's either easy to fix,
or impossible to fix. So it's not that hard to deal with.

> You have to be
> able to figure out our processes.  You have to be willing to follow our
> processes.  And you eventually have to deal with the PGP mess.

Are you referring to the identity check ?
That mess is onto the uploader's hand.
You don't need to have your identity checked as an upstream author, and
the identity check is the best part of subscribing to a community.

> If you don't find value in the things where we have high standards,
> Debian doesn't make a lot of sense.
> If you just want to get upstream's idea of their package onto a system
> with their release schedule and their recommended dependency versions,
> there are better ways than getting a package into Debian.

There are even ways that are supported by software available in Debian !
(thinking of flatpak but many other ways to allow users to install software


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