On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 08:47:49 -0400
Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> wrote:
> That said, I'm really confused that your message didn't get any
> response before now.  Considering how sharp some of the responses
> were on -project, I don't know how to take this.  Were people not
> responding because the -project discussion was so recent, they didn't
> see a need to rehash it?  Were people not responding because -devel
> has a very different audience and everyone here agrees with you?
That's really easy: Most people aviod harsh or sharp answers, i'm not.
And to be honest, i don't really understand all the discussions about
git. It's just a tool - and most of the time misused in debian. Not
that i'm the biggest git expert on earth - i'm only a happy user for
ten years now. And the ten years include bitbucket, github, gitlab,
gitblit, gitea, gitolite, gerrit and so on - so it is totally
irrelevant to some extend where things are hosted, it remains git in
the very end.

Regarding the workflow and participation - it might be a problem that
one need an account for github or other non-free services - it's easy:
No account, no participation, bad luck. In one thing Ian is right:
Debian packages should not be hosted on non-free services. I would go a
step further: No Debian package must be hosted outside of debian.
Period. Problem solved. That would prevent problems like the ones with
debian live hosted by Progress Linux, LXDE packaging hosted on
https://git.lxde.org (broken for some month now) and so on. Would really
make sense, but is a different story.

Another though: If we start not to allow packaging on non free services
and using non-free tools - what would be next: Considering projects
that use non-free services like github or bitbucket as non-free - in
this case please drop the whole LXQt from debian, we will continue to
use github.com in near future and are not planning a change right now.

Cheers Alf

Alf Gaida
BDBF C688 EFAD BA89 5A9F  464B CD28 0A0B 4D72 827C

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