TL;DR: I'd feel a lot more comfortable if a couple of people would
explicitly review wether I correctly captured the discussion in the

So, we've received a number of comments on aspects of the discussion.
That plus the original discussion leads me to believe we really are
interested in this issue and that there's community interest in moving

But many of the comments have explicitly said they didn't follow the
discussion.  The summaries are half the check that the facilitator is
doing a good job in a consensus discussion.  The other half is having
some people involved sanity check the summary.

It would really help me have the confidence to move forward if a couple
of people did that:

* If you were involved enough that you can read the summary and say
  "Yeah, that's more or less what happened," please please do that. (If
  you think I got something wrong in the summary, then please say that too)

* If you're willing to read the summary and compare against the actual
  discussion, I'd greatly appreciate that, especially if we cannot get
  people involved to confirm from their memory.  If you do that, I
  recommend using a threaded mail reader  and being prepared to skip
  reading subthreads that get too repetative or off-topic.  When I did
  my re-read to prepare the summary, I trimmed out most of the
  discussion of non-free services from my re-read.  With that trimmed,
  it took me an hour and a half to take notes on the entire discussion.
  I do understand that's a significant time investment to ask others to

* If you aren't able to spend that time or have personal recollections,
  but think the level of review I and others have already done is
  adequate, please say that.



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