On 2/6/20 6:26 AM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
I solved this by removing Systemd from my systems.

And now what?

Then you're not running the default configuration, which is of course perfectly fine. As part of switching from systemd to your init system of choice, you'd also install your favorite non-journald logger.

I, personally, think the systemd maintainers here have made the right choice to enable the persistent journal by default. And that it really doesn't make sense to have two copies of the logs written to disk, increase the attack surface with another daemon, etc., so that yes, eventually rsyslog shouldn't be in the default install, even though I'll probably keep it installed on most of my machines for a while. I'm confident they're working hard to improve Debian, even and especially when I personally disagree with a decision, and thank them for that.

Finally, I believe you want Debian to continue to be a distro where admins have choice as to what runs on their systems. I believe the best way you could help to achieve this is to present easy technical solutions to make that choice possible. For example:

   If rsyslog is no longer installed by default, non-systemd init
   systems should add a Recommends: system-log-daemon, so that
   switching to one of them would (by default) pull in a syslogd.

Maybe that's not quite the right technical solution, but it'd be a much more pleasant and productive conversation to iterate on that than this conversation has been.

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