Russ Allbery wrote:
>Ansgar <> writes:
>> So maybe just recommend people to move to 64-bit architectures and put
>> 32-bit applications in a time namespace so they believe they are still
>> in 2001 ;-) 32-bit architectures will probably still be useful in
>> embedded contexts for a long time and there it might be easier to just
>> change the ABI, but for a general-purpose distribution we start seeing
>> more and more problems and I don't really see us supporting them as a
>> full architecture in 10+ years.
>If we go down this path, can we make cross-grading a supported feature for
>the next stable release?  I'm sure I'm not the only one who is stuck with
>continuously-upgraded i386 hosts who has been wanting to switch but has
>been waiting until cross-grading is a little bit less scary.

ACK - I've heard quite a few people asking for this over the last few
years. I've personally cross-graded a couple of systems (and my home
server has moved twice, i386->amd64->arm64), but it's not for the

/me ponders - this could be a fun task for a GSoC/outreachy student to
hack on, maybe?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
  Armed with "Valor": "Centurion" represents quality of Discipline,
  Honor, Integrity and Loyalty. Now you don't have to be a Caesar to
  concord the digital world while feeling safe and proud.

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