For -devel, context is that Anthony Fok just uploaded a new upstream
version of pydoctor (a tool for extracting API docs for python
modules) in order to fix a couple of upstream bugs.  Anthony, thank
you very much for your work to help fix one of our (mutual) indirect

Unfortunately the new pydoctor has some DFSG issues (#952546, CC'd).

I am hoping that -devel can advise what the conventional approach is
to the package containing a sourceless copy of bootstrap.min.js.

I'm guessing that the answer is to strip the sourceless file from the
package, and have the binary package contain a symlink into the file
tree of some other package which contains an appropriate bootstrap
file ?  But is this right, and if so which package ?

I vaguely remembered this having been discussed before but I couldn't
find the conclusions written down anywhere.  I looked in quite a few
places for answers to this: I searched the lintian tags for missing
source, but they all seemed quite generic.  I tried to search -devel
archives for "bootstrap" (too many hits) and "bootstrap.min.js"
(nothing relevant).  I tried various wiki searches too.

(The d/copyright problem with epydoc should be easy if tedious to fix;
I don't understand why it wants epydoc which I thought was obsolete
but this is far from my field of expertise.)


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