On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 12:45:35PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Mar 16, Tomas Pospisek <t...@sourcepole.ch> wrote:
> > > Agreed: this is a very good idea since I really think that every default 
> > > install must provide something enough vi-compatible.
> > I'd disagree. vi is very newbie unfriendly. OTOH I expect people that
> Even if this were true (using vi is one of the most basic system
> administration skills), I understand that we still provide nano.

I've always considered /bin/ed the most basic system administration
tool, since it doesn't require a working terminal or termcap entry.
It works even if you are using an ASR-33 teletype.  :-)

And at least for me, I find /bin/ed much more user friendly than vi,
since it doesn't have as modal of a UI as vi.  (Vi has 3 modes, ed has
only 2.)

/bin/ed is also *much* smaller than even busybox.

                                                - Ted

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