Hello all, in short,

  * is there a Debian "testing" team?, that does test setups of Debian
    ISOs on a bunch of different hardware with priority on the most used
    CPUs like amd64 and i386, (free and non-free versions)),
  * before the ISOs spread across the world on all those nice download
    servers, for further "public beta" testing?
  * does-it-work-well.sh script could
      o 1) ask the user if everything works fine (rating from 1 to 5 stars)
          + and user can add a comment ( send some praise or comments
            what does/did not work )
      o 2) scan the hardware specs of the system
          + anonymized! without any serials and mac addresses or ip
            addresses or screen resolutions!, before uploading it to
              # where the hardware is marked in green (works) orange
                (can be made to work with this (link) workaround) or red
                (fails, no fix available currently)

just trying to help ensure the quality of Debian stays rock solid and
frustration free especially for new users, that might not want to wait
for days, until a fix is uploaded and then simply go to ubuntu

but as Debian is the basis for Ubuntu, if Debian is broken, so is then
probably Ubuntu

best regards

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