GoodDay Mates,

network connectivity dropping during package download is still there, it
is a major problem, sometimes it works, sometimes not, this used to work
very well.

it will especially annoy new users, so this issue need to be debugged &

will also write to SpaceX about it (if it has anything to do with their

the free version iso seems to have have a network problem during package
download: (after software selection)

trying non-free now.

tried yesterday and today installing ... 64/iso-cd/

on Lenovo t440

and the problem is still there... this time it downloaded 1388 packages
of 1491 before grinding to a halt...

  * after software selection (wanted to try the KDE Desktop, being big
    MATE fan for it's simplicity) from the default debian package mirror <>

it just stops downloading packages after ~100 packages (loses
connectivity) and stays there until timeout[/list]

  * downloading isos via wget from just works fine

best regards

On 8/19/21 5:25 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 10:42 AM admin4  wrote:
>> is there a Debian "testing" team?
> That is composed of everyone who uses Debian and especially those who
> decide to report an issue they found.
>> that does test setups of Debian ISOs on a bunch of different hardware with 
>> priority on the most used CPUs like amd64 and i386, (free and non-free 
>> versions)),
> The Debian CD team do installation testing of each new Debian release
> and each new Debian point release. They don't do things like download
> RSS feeds or try to use less/vi in the installer though, they just
> follow the installer prompts.
>> 1) ask the user if everything works fine (rating from 1 to 5 stars)
>> and user can add a comment ( send some praise or comments what does/did not 
>> work )
> I don't think that Debian has enough people to monitor these, we have
> enough bug reports and mailing list/forum posts to keep up with as it
> is.
>> 2) scan the hardware specs of the system
> There is a shared cross-distro hardware database:
> Unfortunately the script used to upload to the database, called
> hw-probe, isn't yet integrated into the Debian installer nor the
> Debian live installer (calamares).
>> anonymized! without any serials and mac addresses or ip addresses or screen 
>> resolutions!, before uploading it to
> The above hardware database uses truncated salted hashes of some
> hardware identifiers, in order to aggregate repeat uploads of hardware
> probes of the same computer.
>> where the hardware is marked in green (works) orange (can be made to work 
>> with this (link) workaround) or red (fails, no fix available currently)
> There isn't any way to automatically check if hardware works, you
> would need the user to check each item of hardware, make sure they did
> the check correctly and only then report it working correctly. We
> could create a Debian Live distro for hardware
> testing/compatibility/reporting/certification, but no-one has done
> that yet, although there was an idea and discussion at DebConf to do
> something similar some years ago.
> There is a corner of our wiki where Debian users can report their
> experience with installing Debian, as well as the option to file
> installation reports, which feed back to the installer team.

mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards - enact the web
                           connect the people

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