On Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:07:32 +0100, Stephan Lachnit
<stephanlach...@debian.org> wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 8:35 PM Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
>> I do think that the amount of effort that the project puts into this
>> pre-screening is of sufficiently high magnitude that it would be worth
>> paying a lawyer for a legal opinion about whether or not we need to do
>> it.  The savings to the project if we found out that we didn't, or that we
>> could do something simpler and more easily automated, would be more than
>> the cost of the legal opinion.
>Looking at the last financial numbers I found [1], we have at least
>~750k USD we could use for this purpose. I don't really know how
>expensive lawyers are, but I doubt that this would cost more than 10k.
>Heck, we could even hire two lawyers without any significant financial
>impact (maybe in the US and EU as I think these are probably the most
>prominent areas for potential copyright lawsuits), even if it costs

Even if a lawyer says A, it doesn't buy us anything if J Robert DD
gets sued and the judge says B, or "not A".

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