On 2022-02-01 07:56 -0500, Paul R. Tagliamonte wrote:
>    I seemed to remember we retain actual outside council last i knew. Is that
>    still the case?
>    This request ought to come from the ftp team if we do do this, fwiw

Has anyone on the actual FTP team responded to this thread yet? (sorry, I can't 
remember who that is currently)

Either on Andreas's original simple question: 'Do we still _have_ to keep the 
binary-NEW thing?'
Or this more complex question: Is NEW really giving us a pain:risk ratio that 
is appropriate?

Andreas tried hard to get someone to just stick to the first matter
and answer that. I don't recall seeing an answer from FTP-master yet?

For what it is worth I concur with everything that Russ has written,
and would like to have us look at this again (and that's honestly not
particularly because I currenly have the honour of the 6th-oldest
package in NEW (8 months) :-) In general I have found NEW valuable as
FTP-masters sometimes spot things that I missed, but the delay, and
perhaps worse, the highly uncertain length of the delay (anything from
a day to a year), is a significant cost and drag, and it seems
increasingly anachronistic as the rest of the software ecosystem seems
to accelerate around us (not entirely a good thing, of course). Who
needs quality when you can have updates, eh?

The combination of binary uploads for NEW and source-only uploads for
the archive proper also seems a tad clunky.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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