
so Stephan Lachnit submitted an MR for developers-reference on Monday to
document how to grant DM upload permissions, which I gladly merged, even
though I was aware of "#653399: developers-reference: Please include a 
paragraph about Debian Maintainers (DM)" still being unresolved.

Which lead me to (quoting from #-devel that day)

< h01ger> stephanlachnit: now i'm wondering how much of 
          https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer i should copy into 
          developers-reference... i've seen you also documented the dcut
          commands there, which makes sense as it is now, though i'm not
          convinced it's good to have all the docs in two places
< h01ger> so i'm also pondering about mostly adding a pointer to that wiki 
          page to devref
< h01ger> (the wiki and devref are both GPL2 licenced, so that part is easy :)
< h01ger> feedback from anyone is welcome of course, not just stephan :)

So what do you all think?

I'm leaning towards explaining the basics in devref (mostly by copying bits
from the wiki page) and adding a pointer to the wiki page, but if there's 
consensus that the wiki page is supposed to be made obsolete by *moving*
the contents to src:devref and leaving a pointer on the wiki page, I could
also do that.


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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