On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 12:25:36AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> I agree with Stephan's and Sam's reasoning, I think the detailed
> information should be in the devref.
> A wiki is by definition open to edition by any (authorized?) user; the
> devref has named editors (as you are very well aware ;-) ) and can be
> seen as verified and curated information. I think the information
> should be concisely explained in the devref, leaving the Wiki for more
> full/detailed information on specific points, examples, or documenting
> changes as they are discussed or implemented, 

Ok, thanks for your feedback, Gunnar, Sam, Stephan & Jochen! I'll take
this route soon.

> while waiting for them
> to arrive to the devref's next edition.

fwiw, I've switched the release modell of src:developers-reference to 
'release early, release often', which means I basically aim to release
directly after each substancial change. By looking at the version number
in bullseye, which is 11.0.21, you can easily see this ment I did
21 uploads in the two years of developing bullseye.

(This poses challenges to translations to say the least, which I plan to
address eventually.)

More help (best in form of patches or commits) absolutly very welcome!
Any member of the Debian group on salsa can and should commit freely
& with responsibility :) 


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
 ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀  OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C

People call vaccine mandates "Orwellian" even though Orwell died at 46 of
tuberculosis, which is now preventable with a vaccine.

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