
> I think we can all agree upon bumping the lintian severity to
> warning.

I am not sure there is unanimous support. Instead, I would like to
propose the following compromise (as I have before).

> 1.0 native is sometimes better than 3.0 (native) because dpkg-source
> refuses to build a 3.0 native package with a Debian revision in its
> version number.

> 1.0-with-diff has the following advantage over 3.0 (quilt):

> The extracted source tree does not contain a diff.  The inclusion of
> the diff *inside* the source tree (which happens with "3.0 (quilt)"
> whether or not single-debian-patch is specified) causes all manner of
> problems: it means that only certain states of the extracted tree are
> valid.

Ian and Guillem: How about we deprecate source format 1.0 in exchange
for relaxing the version strings? In the new source format, nativeness
is explicit [1] so the version acrobatics are no longer needed.

> yes, we should convert all native packages in our archive,
> the idea of a native package has been obsoleted for long.

As someone who co-maintains several Debian-internal tools, I am not
quite sure yet. Maybe let's take one step at a time? Thanks!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=953554#25

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