On 2022-03-31 18:55:44, Sean Anderson wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> On 3/31/22 10:19 AM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> On 2022-03-31 10:06:40, Antoine Beaupré wrote:


> I've packaged around 20 dependencies so far.

Impressive! Good job!

> I have yet to submit them (primarily because I find doing this sort of
> work sucks the energy out of me). I did not quite realize what I was
> getting myself into :)

That must be indeed *so* hard! I think it's worth at least pushing what
you have to salsa, so that someone else can carry the torch from where
you stopped, if you get tired of this. Who knows, another golang
packager might also need the same dep and help you!

> My TODO list follows. Packages with a # are done, those with a !
> have an error, and I forget what - means.

Really nice, a few comments inline...

> loki
> #github.com/Workiva/go-datastructures
> #github.com/joncrlsn/dque
> #github.com/c2h5oh/datasize
> #github.com/shurcooL/vfsgen
>   github.com/prometheus/prometheus

surely that is packaged somehow. we have the `prometheus` binary package
already in Debian, maybe that could be reused?

>   github.com/cortexproject/cortex

oh wow, they link against cortex! that's massive right there...

> #github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go

i think i commented out the code linking to this in some other golang
package, and i can't remember which one it is right now. That is
probably as unhelpful as it sounds. :p

> dskit
> ^go.etcd.io/etcd

wtf, they link to etcd too.. wth is this thing. that is certainly used
by k8s.

> migrate
>   modernc.org/sqlite

that one is massive. i started using it for wallabako (#893648) and it
brought in a ridiculous number of deps. but it's faster and more
portable than the other sqlite lib I was using before, so that would be
really nice to have in Debian.

... if a little bonkers (that thing basically transpiles sqlite from C
to golang).

> -gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2

that's another one I used in wallabako, probably worth packaging in
debian in general, just because a bunch of golang packages are likely to
use it as well.

> I can make an effort to submit the ones I have packaged, but I haven't
> worked on this for a bit (as other projects took priority)

That's absolutely fine, I think, and it would be really awesome if you
could push what you have somewhere already, so that if someone wants to
resume the work on loki, they can start from there.

And, alternatively, that work would be useful for other packaging
efforts, I am sure.

Thank you so much!


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