On 2022-03-31 21:28:05, Sean Anderson wrote:
> On 3/31/22 9:21 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> On 2022-03-31 21:15:21, Sean Anderson wrote:
>>> OK, I uploaded a package to 
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-c2h5oh-datasize/
>>> Can you have a quick look at it? I used dh-make-golang, but if there's
>>> anything I need to tweak I'd like to know before I start uploading.
>> This looks good to me. Did you ask upstream for tags? Sometimes it
>> actually works! :)
> I did not. I'm going to start by focusing on uploading my past work.

no problem.

>>> And should I send ITPs for everything, or is it OK to leave the closes
>>> as TODO in the changelog?
>> Typically I like to fire ITPs for everything, because the roundtrip with
>> NEW can be slow at times. It might also give a heads up for the FTP team
>> of the relationships between the packages, which might not be obvious
>> from the names.
> Sending these out might be the slowest part of all this >.>

How so? Do you have to copy-paste those in an MTA? :)

I found that setting up a local MTA helps tremendously in dealing with
those kind of problems, as you can just pipe things around easily...

> And what's the proper way to update an existing package? Should I create a PR?
> Or should I just push directly? (what's the review process like)

Since this is a 25+ year old project, there's probably a dozen ways to
do this. The canonical way is to open a bug report with a patch in the
BTS (bugtracker we're talking through here). If that doesn't get a
response, in theory, you're allowed to do an NMU. If that doesn't work,
you're allowed, again in theory, to salvage the package.

And then there's salsa where you can send merge requests. But sometimes
those get ignored by graybeards like me who forget it exists or forget
to setup notifications, so the BTS is always a safer bet.

All those acronyms are expanded somewhere in this article I just wrote
about salvaging packages, by pure coincidence (i swear):


Let me know if you have any further question
La nature n'a créé ni maîtres ni esclaves
Je ne veux ni donner ni recevoir de lois.
                        - Denis Diderot

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