>>>>> On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 13:41:50 -0700, Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> 
>>>>> said:

> NIS also dates from a period when rsh was considered acceptable, and unless
> I'm mistaken, has a comparable level of security.  Allowing access to
> password hashes for users based on the IP of the machine you are querying
> from is not a sane security policy, and I don't think we should indefinitely
> make Debian worse for all other users (bigger minimal system == worse) to
> cater to users of these obsolete, insecure systems.

A normal user does not see the password hashes, only processes which
can use a port < 1024 see the password hash in the NIS map.

So I do not see a problem giving machines of a subnet (based on their
IP) access to the NIS data, when I can make sure only permitted
computers can access the network. This does not give all users of this
machine access to the password hashes.

regards Thomas

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