On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 01:41:50PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 10:07:52PM +0200, la...@debian.org wrote:
> > I'm using NIS since 20+ years in a small network with about 60 computers.
> > Since I manage all computers and the physical network can be seen as secure
> > (I know it's not perfect secure) I do not need the additional crypto
> > features of NIS+ or LDAP, which would be overkill. All my users use
> > yppasswd on the NIS master for changing their password. I guess I
> > still need pam support for this because I set things like this in
> > pam.d/common-password:
> > password        requisite                       pam_cracklib.so retry=3 
> > difok=3 minlen=14
> > Yes, I surely would miss the NIS support.
> If your users are using yppasswd on the NIS master for changing passwords,
> then evidently you are not relying on support for NIS in PAM.  (yppasswd
> doesn't even link against libpam.)

Could you add this information to NEWS.Debian and/or the release notes?

People administrating networks tend to be the people who actually read 
the release notes before planning an upgrade to a new release.


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