Hi Sean,

On Fri, 2023-06-30 at 11:14 +0100, Sean Whitton wrote:
> It's understandable that you'd feel frustrated by what seems like a
> misrepresentation of your project's organisation and ethos, but
> please try to avoid this sort of rhetoric.

Fancy idea: how about we ask people to *stop* grossly misrepresenting
other projects instead?

We've had a decade of that about systemd, probably more if one looks at
Pulseaudio, GNOME and other things. Eventually we might reach a point
where we might want to stop that. Sadly I don't see you asking for that
to happen, rather the opposite.

> You can just as well present the git statistics without hiding the
> author's names for rhetorical effect, or asking rhetorical questions,
> and it would keep the temperature of the discussion lower.

Okay, then let's just note that sysvinit has an extreme barrier of
entry, driving most contributors away.  A property it seems to share
with dpkg.

Thus both aren't a sustainable base to build a community distribution
on and we should look at solving that problem, possibly by using
community-friendly alternatives instead.

Does that help? I tried to write in the helpful style the mail I
replied to uses. I skipped stating {sysvinit,dpkg} proponents haven't
done their homework, using {sysvinit,dpkg} incurs technical debt, they
failed us as community projects, it's impossible to onboard people to
them[1], and possibly some other minor points.


  [1]: Of course stating this is fine even when I'm not involved with
       dpkg or sysvinit, as per the mail I replied to.

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