On 02/07/2024 00:31, Scott Kitterman wrote:

HI again

On July 1, 2024 10:18:07 PM UTC, Alec Leamas <leamas.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

But here the situation is that upstream do care and wants to fix it. But they 
need our help (an epoch) to accomplish this to handle the legacy.

We could be helpful, or not. Why not give a hand?

No.  That's us fixing it.  They can bump the version to whatever they want to 
address the issue.  Epochs are forever, so should be a last resort.

Yes, epochs are forever and should not be taken lightly, agreed.

Expanding on the situation. The current opencpn version is 5.9.x, soon to be 5.10 in a tick-tock cycle.

However, the opencpn packages have versions like 8763.x, automatically generated from a build number. This is not communicated to users, they just install and update.

Obviously, upstream should start building packages with versions like 5.9.x..., 5.10.x... etc. But any such version is lower than the current build number.

If you switch hats for a moment: have you any advice for upstream in this situation?


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