
I am happily using debian/gbp.conf and debian-branch=debian/latest in
all of my packages but based on the DEP14 discussion seems some people
prefer debian/sid or debian/unstable (and some of them upload to
experimental from the branch despite the name, and some maintain a
separate debian/experimental branch for experimental uploads).

However this the responses are just a sample based on who happens to
have time to read debian-devel@ discussions.

I tried to use codesearch.debian.net to find out how many packages
have a debian/gbp.conf but it seems it can't be used to simply list
packages that have a specific file, it always also needs a search
terms to look up inside the file.

I was able to find that 1655 packages have either "debian-branch =
debian/latest" or "debian-branch=debian/latest".

Is there some easy way to iterate every single Debian package and
extract just one single file from them without having to download all

I'd like to see how many % of all Debian packages have a gbp.conf
file, and then download all of them to do stats on what they contain.

- Otto

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