On Fri, Apr 24, 1998 at 02:22:39PM +0100, Jules Bean wrote:
> >>    On the contrary. This is an excellent point you  made. ncftp
> >>  is now under GPL!! Yay! libreadline not being under LGPL worked!
> >>  Hurrah! 
> > 
> > Um, 2.x is GPL.  3.x is not, afaik.
> Certainly the version of 3 in hamm is not linked against readline, which
> would suggest not.
> In fact, it makes 3 in the hamm almost useless, IMHO - what is the use of
> ncftp without history and completions?  They're the main reason I use it...

3 was yanked from hamm (hardly usable) and 2 was put in main.  I think it
uses an epoch, which should make it install even though versionwise it's

> >>    I think it is about time we hardened our stance in favour of
> >>  the GPL. 
> > 
> > Manoj, you're crazy, you realize that?  <sigh>  I happened to like 3
> > better than 2 personally.  <shrug>  Ah well, one of my favorite programs
> > is now free for the modding---someone wanna do slang version now?  =>
> The GPL's not that good.  Here's an example from the Mac-side.  Internet
> Config is a free program which centralises the users internet preferences
> (mail-servers, email address, .sig, etc.).  Because it's free, it is used by
> lots of commercial and pseudo-commercial (Netscape) apps.. and this is a
> good thing.

I must agree with Manoj that it has its purposes.  I won't pretend to like
that libreadline is not LGPL--but I am told there is another lib which is
not under the GPL and is essentially a workalike.  I don't have this
library, nor do I know what it's called, but I'm looking for it.  =>

> If it had been GPLed, they wouldn't be able to distribute it.  Which would
> be a bad thing.  Unless you really believe that commercial software has
> absolutely no value or place...
> Indeed, this line of reasoning is what caused the LGPL to be introduced,
> surely?

Quite probably.  But the author of libreadline didn't choose to do this.

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