On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 11:18:25AM -0700, Joseph Carter wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 09:55:19AM -0400, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > > I'm sure someone would be happy to package it in .deb format, but by the
> > > sounds of your message neither source is included and only non-commercial
> > > use is permitted.  Either one of these would cause Debian to place your
> > > product in its non-free section as it fails the Debian Free Software
> > > Guidelines (http://www.debian.org/social_contract).  The package would be 
> > > on
> > > the FTP mirrors and people could download and even distribute on CD-ROM 
> > > that
> > > package, but the non-free section would never be distributed by Debian. 
> > > Many vendors do though, so it's probably not a major worry.
> > 
> > I didn't catch the begining of this thead but...
> > if noone else has stepped up I would be happy to work on this.
> > (from the first statement of "I'm sure someone would be happy to package 
> > it in .deb format" it sounds like noone has yet)
> Nope, but if you want to go ahead and contact them for info.  I'm not
> terribly interested in packaging something that'd have to go into non-free
> if it wasn't something I'd really use everyday.  Since I have no windoze
> boxen on this LAN (or even really a LAN at this time) there's no need for me
> to run antivirus software.

ahh well...
I don't actually have any windows machines myself (well I do at work)
but...I wouldn't plan on testing it like that anyway 
(I ONCE downloaded a live virus to test a scanner...long story)

I figure such a product is good for buisnesses like where I work...
we have a good sized network and ocasionally get ravaged
by some new virus.

> > I can't make out from the snippit of the original message if this would be
> > distributable via FTP site like this or not...seems like it...
> > but if not I would be happy to package it in deb format so that it could
> > be distributed by others that way.
> Permission for Debian redistribution is fine for a non-free package, but in
> order to be in main (and on ALL Debian CDs) it would have to be essentially
> free to all with source code..  Of course one can make a "professional"
> version that is non-free and you can suggest commercial businesses use that,
> maybe it'd have some kind of network support or something.  But the version
> Debian would be able to distribute in main would have to be free, with
> source, allowed to be distributed further than Debian, and no requirements
> as to who can or cannot use it.  Otherwise it's not Free Software and is
> just software you don't have to pay for..

Yes I know ;)

Of course..it COULD be free software and have the virus definitions
be non-free ;) then it could go in contrib (unless somone develops
free virus defs)

As for contacting them...I believe I did? My message saying I would do
it was sent to "ALL"..which I believe includes someone from their company.

If I don't hear anything within a few days ill contact them seprately
um...any idea on what a good contact adress is for them? as I said..
I didn't catch the start of this thread


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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