>On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Chris wrote:
>> Since when did linux get virus's????   You'd only get them on a really
>> bad system - which debian is not (or if you did EVERYTHING as root).
>On a linux system exporting disk space to Windows machines, it is indeed
>practical to have an anti-virus able to report if your shares contains

Just out of curiosity would anyone be interested in a mcafee virusscan
installer package in slink contrib? I have everything created, the only
thing I'd have to work on would be upstream upgrades (it currently doesn't
handle this at all) and then I'd write an intent to package and upload it.

I could probably squeeze it in before the freeze.

Thing is, Network Associates Inc. is axing the Mcafee engine in favor of Dr
Solomon soon.

However, it *is* the world's first self-replicating debian package :)
(build-uvscan makes full debs of the engine and datfiles, the engine deb
includes build-uvscan :)
Robert Woodcock - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses" -- Richard Gabriel

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