
On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 12:52:12AM +0100, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> There has also been mention of people wanting a different logo. I think
> we should stick to our current logo for several reasons though:
> * it is a good logo: it's easily recognizable, simple to draw, scales
>   good and looks good in both black&white and in colour.

I agree it is a good logo in the sense that it fulfills all technical
requirements for a logo. But IMHO it is a bad logo for the following

* It is a penguin (even if some think it's a chicken). A penguin is already
  the Linux logo, are we only capable of plagiarism, or are we up to the task
  and have an identity of our own?
* A penguin is submitting the wrong message in some other way, too: The Debian
  GNU/Hurd port is coming along quite nicely, and although it uses some linux
  driver code, it is quite different from Linux in several aspects. Debian is
  the distribution with most ports, and even non-Linux ports, too, now. Do we
  really want to restrict ourselves and our image to Linux for an uncertain
  period of time?
* The logo was imposed on the developers. We now have a formalilzation of
  decision making, the constitution. It should be applied to this (partly)
  political decision.
* Let's show some *taste* :)

> * choosing a new logo will take a long time: we would have to get
>   submissions, vote on them all over again, etc. 

First, I don't think it would take too long. Secondly, do we really want to
rush this important issue?

About getting submissions: I think a Gimp contest would be appropriate, this
would lead to better contributions. Christians Logo pages failed because
there was hardly any Logo among the entries. The people contributing to a
Gimp contest know about good design and requirements for a logo. Check the
Gnome logo, it was the winner of a Gimp contest, too.

I don't understand "all over again". We have never voted on a logo.

> * I actually like the thing :)

> I propose that we vote on accepting both the logo and the current
> license.

Why intermix these two issues? Choosing a license and choosing a logo are
completely different pair of shoes. They can be voted on seperately.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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