On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 01:13:10PM +0200, Richard Braakman wrote:
> > >          mozilla should work for potato 
> > 
> > Maybe it will ;) We'll try.
> If it doesn't, I guess the current mozilla should be removed?  It's sort
> of old now, and it doesn't work with glibc 2.1.

I was kidding - newer mozilla *does* work, just not the versions people
expect from us. We had it working just fine in versions 19990323 and 19990402
(ask Brent Fulgham, maybe there were more), but since then they (the
mozilla.org guys) released the fourth and fifth milestone (that's their
way of calling the big public releases), and everybody expects us (Debian)
to package them. Unfortunately, M4 instantly coredumps on every fscking
computer we've tried it on, and I can't even build M5 :(

I'm trying to build some newer versions right now, actually.
What more can I say - we'll just keep trying. If we don't manage to do it
before freeze, then I'll file a bug against ftp.debian.org, asking for
mozilla package to be removed.

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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