On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 10:12:46PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > > > >              mozilla should work for potato 
> > > > Maybe it will ;) We'll try.
> > > If it doesn't, I guess the current mozilla should be removed?  It's sort
> > > of old now, and it doesn't work with glibc 2.1.
> > I was kidding - newer mozilla *does* work, just not the versions people
> > expect from us. We had it working just fine in versions 19990323 and 
> > 19990402
> > (ask Brent Fulgham, maybe there were more),
> Would it be possible to at least have one of those in potato?

Maybe. Question is - do we want another five thousand wishlist bug reports
from users screaming for something 'better'? ;(

I think you should look in http://va.debian.org/~bfulgham/ and download
the version of mozilla that is (hopefully) still there. If it works, and
if more people agree with it, I'll put it in potato.

> I was using Mozilla 19981008 for a while with some happiness, but
> eventually got annoyed by some of its bugs and that it wasn't getting
> updated. :-/
> It'd be nice to have a free, frames & java & such -capable browser to
> install, without having to wrestle with the big green dragon...

I'm all for it, but it ain't so easy :)

BTW is there a fast potato i386 machine somewhere on the net for us
developers to use? I'm sick of mailing debian-admin to install
one-thousand-and-one little library from potato for building mozilla...

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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