On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 10:15:48PM +0200, Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a generic network interface management command, net, which
> can be used to start/stop/show/configure network interfaces, and a smarter
> replacement for the /etc/init.d/network script.
> The net command makes use of configuration files stored in /etc/network/
> which contain the various interface options. For example my eth0 is:
>   # /etc/network/eth0
Howabout instead of having eth0, eth1, etc. have like home, work, etc.
the files could then have an extra section, called DEVICE or something, that
would be eth0, eth1, etc. It could also have multiple DEVICE sections, so that
it would setup all the adapters related to that network.
This would be most usefull on laptops, but usefull on desktop machines too.
I know some people take their desktop machines arround with them every once
in awhile(I take mine to the local LUG every other month or so).  You could
then add the ability to do like, net start home eth0, to start individual parts
of your home network, while net stop eth0 would still disable eth0.

> The advantage is that you can now start/stop specific interfaces with simple
> commands using predefined configs, while the old script could only be used
> to start the entire network and couldn't stop or restart it or part of it.
> The new /etc/init.d/network script just calls the /usr/sbin/net command,
> which does all the real work, with the proper args, just start or stop, and
> all the configuration options are now stored as separate config files.
> The package can be installed over an slink system because the preinst script
> can convert automatically the old network file to the new eth0 config.
> The package is available at the following location:
>   http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/debian/net_1.0-1_all.deb
> Please have a look and see if it can added to the main debian distribution.
> -- 
> Massimo Dal Zotto

Overall it sounds pretty good to me, something just a little better, to make
things just a little easier.

Erik Bernhardson

"[T]he last thing I want to do is spread fear, uncertainty and doubt
in [the users'] minds."
- Don Jones, Microsoft's Y2K Product Manager

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