On Thu, 1999-09-16 00:38:35 -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:

> On the one hand, it's usually cheaper for someone in the US to fly to
> Europe than the reverse. On the other hand, internal Europe flights
> tend to be much more expensive than internal US flights. On the
> gripping hand, trains in Europe are reasonable choice.

I'm a native Hungarian but I've been traveling a lot in Europe during
the last year.  I can tell you that under 26 international flights in
Europe are 10-30% cheaper compared to the international train ticket
prices.  Obviously this gets reversed if you have a lot of stuff to
carry as the overweight on planes is damn expensive.


    .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+''
 Kelemen Péter     /       \       /       \     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'

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