On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:

> Having a big convention would be really awfull, but it's difficult to
> get sponsors and much more difficult to gather developers from all
> over the world. What about a series of smaller conferences? We can have
> Debian Europe, Debian America (North and South?), Debian Australasia, etc...

True, but I think that sort of defeats the point.  I would *like*
to see people from other parts of the globe (and the other side
of the pond), and localising it wouldn't do anything for that.

What I propose, perhaps, is that a notice be put that that anyone
*not* interested *at all* in attending a conference *wheresoever*
it may be, mail in to whomever coordinates this.  Then, pick a few
locations, post them out, and ask people (or at least one from each
region) to figure out roughly how much (if they were doing this
on the cheap) it would cost to get them there, stay, and back.

Perhaps it could even be nicely automated, in some way.  It might
give a feel for the true cost, depending on location.

I think, re: sponsorship, that probably the way to do it is to ask
no developer to pay more than, say, $200 or $300, and make the rest
up from there.  Anyone short (and there will be plenty) can take more;
people not travelling far could do less.  What d'ya think?

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         ( http://www.fluff.org/chris )

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