* Piotr Roszatycki said:
> On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Marek Habersack wrote:
> > 
> > mc() {
> >   if [ -x /usr/bin/mc ]; then
> >     MC=$(/bin/mktemp /tmp/mc.XXXXXX)
> >     /usr/bin/mc -P "$@" $MC > $MC
> >     cd $(cat $MC)
> >     rm -f $MC
> >   fi
> > }
> I think the more simple is:
> mc=()
> {
>     cd $(/usr/bin/mc -P "$@")
> }
> ... and doesn't use temporary files.
But it's the same what using a script file - it uses a subshell, and the
point is to save on resources.


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