* Eric Weigel said:

> >I'm afraid many people have some kind of function or aliases related
> >to _real_ mc binary and current mc wrapper can broke it.
> >
> >BTW, 
> >/usr/bin/mcedit is a symlink to /etc/bin/mc which is an only wrapper.
> >This is the reason that mcedit doesn't work already.
> Quite.
> And this has nothing to do with how much resources a bash takes up.
> When the bash exits, control is returned to the original directory; no
> matter what the bash script did.
Yes it does, but it's not the matter. Do you think that firing up an
unnecessary copy of bash just for the sake of the exit directory
preservation is a good thing? Especially when it can be completely avoided.
> And, the idea of editing /etc/profile or whatever is to my mind really
> bad.
> The upstream source for mc has sample scripts which users can call from
> their own .bash_profile, .profile, etc, both for Bourne and C shells. 
> They should be made available (they are also listed on the man page for
> mc)
Well then, they should be provided to the Debian user. They, AFAIR, install
a similar function to the one presented in the other mail. The standard
/etc/profile and similar scripts for other shells could be modified to
source all scripts in, eg, /etc/shell-ext (just an idea - don't take the name 
seriously :)) so that they can install appropriate functions, aliases etc.

> ps: the reason for not doing
>  cd `mc -P "$@"`
> is given in the man page.  Something to do with control-Z to suspend
> doesn't work unless you use the temporary file method.
I proposed cd $(cat tempfile) which should work excellent.


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