>>      Where?
>>              Preferably somewhere with a high density of debian developers.
>>              The California Bay Area (20 some developers with many more
>>              nearby) and the Netherlands come to mind. We'd need a map of
>>              where people live to make an informed choice.
>>      How much $$ would it take, and where's that come from?
>>              I'm figuring around $700 per developer, for plane fare and
>>              lodging. If 250 attend that's $175k. Plus some unkown amount
>>              to rent out a convention center.
>Asking briefly at a travel agent, it's about $AUS 2000 for return air
>fares from Australia to either LA or .nl. That's not including any bulk,
>student, whatever discounts we might be able to scrounge together. That's
>about $US 1300, I guess.

You can get cheaper than that.  Last year I got a trip from Melb -> LA -> London
-> Melb for less than that.

I'm in Utrecht.  I'd like to meet any Linux users in the area, or any other
part of the Netherlands.

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