> Apropos redesign: the images on the secure version point to a 
> non-secure URL and are therefore not rendered.

We are looking into this and will try to get it fixed in the next 24 hours.

> Paul> Moreover, I tried updating my info on the non-secure page, but
> Paul> my postcode is STILL not getting added (it is "7609 JD"; yes,
> Paul> with a space),
> Me too, although it is only digits.

I will look into this. I had thought it was fixed already, but maybe I'm

> Paul> and also my coordinates (0521952 / 0063753) were not added.
> This worked for me. But I added a "+" in front of each, maybe this is
> important.

When did you try? The first versions of the scripts required a sign in
front. Now (since about three days ago) it shouldn't.

Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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