On Tuesday 14 March 2000, at 12 h 38, the keyboard of Paul Seelig 

> Depends on the functions one needs. But i'd like to generalize a bit:
> the included *apps* are far too old.  Stuff like teTeX, 

Since the teTeX in slink works fine and the one is potato is broken (a bug in 
babel which prevents compilation of *every* document in French), I prefer the 
old stuff.

> majority of Linux users are using it for their desktop needs (like i
> mainly do) and for those running current versions definitely makes
> sense.  It all depends on the particular users perspective though
> which might largely differ from a Debian *developer* mindset.

Blah. When I'm working on my desktop, I want as much stability than on my 
servers. I do not prefer a crash in Emacs which will loose texts than one in 
Apache which will stop the Web server.

> Debian.  Pure Linux users are therefore probably better off with one
> of those .rpm based distributions, which seem to pay pay more
> attention to average user's needs. 

Yes, the users do not need stability, reliability, etc. They love RedHat 5.0 
or 6.0.

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