From: Ron Farrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Slink is called `stable' for a reason. It's not obsolete 
> > for people who just want a stable distribution.
> > 
> > Of course, it is obsolete for people who want a nice GNOME 
> > (or especially KDE) environment, or those who own Athlons or other 
> > hardware the kernel provides, etc, etc.
> > 
> > It seems that the number of those to whom slink is useful 
> > outweighs the number of those to whom it isn't.
> I disagree! (surprise ;) I personally know of about ~4 people who were
> turned away from slink because GNOME and KDE were so OLD. I personally
> got around this by running potato (unstable then), but most 
> people don't WANT to run unstable!

I'd argue that the issue is availability on CD. The biggest turn-off I can
see (particularly for people for whom net bandwidth is not a free resource)
is the "install stable and then upgrade" idea. Made worse by cases where
hardware is not supported on slink.

The person who reported being at a LUG where he couldn't install Debian on
someone's machine when the latest RH CD installed fine is a good example.
The person who owned that machine ended up with RH. And IMHO,
debian-unstable would have probably been better. Who lost out? Who cares?


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