Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> The program is QSSTV (the ONLY slow scan TV program
> that I know of that works on Linux.)  As the name
> implies, it is based on QT.  It now (version 3.0m)
> works with both qt1.44 and 2.0.2.  It is also GPL'ed. 
> Hope it can go in main, or at least contrib.
> The URL is 
> http://ourworld.compuserve/homepages/on1mh/qsstv

No, it is QPLed, not GPLed.  This is important because if it was GPLed
it wouldn't be distributable.

>From qsstv.cpp:

> As this program is based on the Qt Free Edition, it is released under
> Q  Public Licence. Read this licence carefully before using,
> distributing or  modifying this program.  Included with this
> distribution is the QPL licence, a copy is also available at

Brian Kimball

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