On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 10:31:58AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> (does KDE yet use Qt2, which is the new QT license?),

No, it doesn't in 1.x. KDE 2.x will be linked against QT2.

>  Is there a way to search the archives on debian-legal
> for QT?  Maybe some of my questions will have answers

I think there is a search function for the mailling list archive on
va.debian.org, isn't there?

> there (If one can wade through the flames).  Is there
> a way (via license modification disclaimers) that a
> program written using QT can be GPL'ed at all? 

Yes, there is. Look at apt. It's GPL, but other programs using QT
(like the Corel(R) Package Manager) may be linked against it. You've to
include a paragraph that says that this is allowed.

> Finally I note that debian DOES have the QTLib in the
> distro, will this remain (allowing users to at least
> use such programs via source)?

Why not? If I understood it right, KDE isn't included because of an
invalid license (GPL-programs linked against QT). QT has a valid license.
There are a lot of other non-free packages in Debian, too. For which
reason should qt not be included?

Roland Bauerschmidt -- Freiberger Str. 17, 28215 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: +49 421 3763482, fax: +49 421 3763483

Debian GNU / Linux -- the choice of a GNU generation

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