On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 08:44:26PM +0000, Alan Clucas wrote:
> My first debian post :)
> > The packages involved are fetchmail, g++, gpm, kernel-image-2.2.14-ide
> > (do we really need it?  I assumed it's needed for the bootfloppies),
> > and perl-5.005.
> > Package: fetchmail (debian/main).
> > Maintainer: Paul Haggart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > [HELP] This package needs a new maintainer.  (RB)
> >   43139 fetchmail flushed after failed delivery
> >   50990 fetchmail: mail was fetched and deleted from server but never sent 
> > to local MTA
> Is anyone looking at this one. These are both fixed in upstream 5.3.1 (and
> 5.3.3 is in woody). What is the recommended course of action on this - I
> would like to try and get involved - and personally know a maintainer who
> can sponsor me. Should I go for 5.3.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.4 (latest upstream) or
> attempting to backport the fixes in 5.2.3 (what is currently in potato)

This late in the game, you need to backport the fixes to the version in
potato. Make a diff of the changes against the current debian source, get
it checked over by some knowledgable folks, and then have at it.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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