Le Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 11:24:23PM +0000, Alan Clucas écrivait:
> Ok then... I won't do anything.
> Better subscribe to debian-qa as well then. One day I'll find something
> useful to do :(

Don't be so sad. :) There's plenty of useful things to do :
- work on the other RCB (send patches whereever a patch is needed)
- check if they are still reproducable
- look for badly maintained packages (that you are interested in) 
  and try to resolve as much bugs as you can (first send patch to the BTS,
  then if the maintainer doesn't integrate the changes, ask on debian-qa
  for a NMU), if you're strongly interested by the package you may even
  ask to adopt it (and you may be sponsored since you're not yet a
- work on boot-floppies

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CD Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd
      Formations Linux et logiciels libres : http://www.logidee.com </pub>

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