On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Joseph Carter wrote:

> Or it appears to have been accepted and goes nowhere.  I've seen a setup
> or two like this specifically for the purposes of tracking who was trying
> to use the relay...

Just check your reject log for ip adresses ;-)

If someone has some weird setup like that they can blame no-one but
themselves. ;)

Besides, as a deliberate setup, this is probably the exception.

> Unfortunately, it demonstrates that ORBS is a little more indiscriminant
> than perhaps is good.

Yes; because innocent people do get caught in the middle of it. But it's
the only method to fight open relays. I've said it before and I'll say it
again, there is no reason for relays to be open. Just because half the
admins out there are too incompetent to take care of their mail servers
doesn't justify why the rest of the net has to wade through floods of spam

When I have to chose between using ORBS or sorting out 20-30 spams a day,
I'll happily use ORBS. The innocent people getting caught should change to
an ISP who has competent admins, or bug their ISP to fix the problem


 "Kif, if there's one thing I don't need it's your 'I don't think that's
  wise' attitude."
                                                --- Zap Brannigan

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