On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Joey Hess wrote:

> Drake Diedrich wrote:
> >    Under the Irix packaging system (quite nice UI except that it has to
> > handle Irix packages..) packages exist in a hierarchy, with lowest level
> > packages quite fine grained.
> Wow, I quite like this. How could we do it?

This is the ultimate in micropackaging - doing something like that would
solve so many different requests in one big *splat*.

We could have sparc32/64 binaries, PIII optimized binaries, systems
without /usr/doc, etc.

Off hand, I would suspect you'd take an arbitary .deb and carve it into
sub packages internally - this is for effeciency.. Other debs can come
along and clealy install over the sub packages. Ex:

You have apt_1.1_i386.deb which contains

And an apt_1.1_i686_bin.deb which just have

Package tools would sort that out through some magic means..

Of course this is all just off hand... :>


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