On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:

> > Has anyone has looked into porting this [Kudzu] to Debian?
> Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
> Some time ago, Dan Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Cc'ed him), was busy
> packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

I recall reading a few months ago about a plan to merge ALL of the
existing hardware detection routines into one lump, in order to
consolidate work and effort.  The proposal was met with acceptance by many
(if not all) of the major developers (Mandrake, Redhat, Suse, Turbo)

You might want to do a search on LWN (www.lwn.net) or Linuxtoday, or
elsewhere.  I did a quick look and didn't find it, but I know I read about

please post if you do find a link to it.

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