On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 04:34:08AM +0300, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:

> Varkon:
> Personally I do not use CAD-software, but this is so ueber-cool thing that
> I just can't help informing you all about this:
> A CAD-software called Varkon is now available under the terms of GNU GPL.
> It would be nice to make it available as Debian-pacakge.
> http://slashdot.org/articles/99/03/08/0917217.shtml
> http://linuxtoday.com/stories/3841.html
> http://www.varkon.com/
> Somebody was packaging this package, but haven't heard about it then.

Stephan Helma packaged varkon under my sponsorship, but license
problems at that time prevented it from getting included in potato. He
probably will (cc'ing him) revive the efforts, now that its source is
(almost) fully released.


Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Dept. of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

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