Thomas Guettler wrote:
> But I am interested
> what you think about this crazy idea to remove
> version numbers (like debian2.2) from debian?

It's really crazy. Removing version numbers mean that the
dependency graph must be synchronized globally which is
impossible AFAIK. In addition to this, it renders the
package pools idea essentially useless, which is the sane thing
that is needed.  :)

A better idea would be to perhaps indicate symbolically the
usability level of the package in the binary format. That
might give users some convenience, I dunno.

I have a lot of crazier ideas about distribution, release
management and package classification so keep these mental
inventions coming. :) This is exactly the place to discuss these.


 ++++-+++-+++-++-++-++--+---+----+----- ---  --  -  - 
 +  Eray "exa" Ozkural                   .      .   .  . . .
 +  CS, Bilkent University, Ankara             ^  .  o   .      .
 |  mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                .  ^  .   .

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